RISE Theatre

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RISE Theatre is a program that cultivates lasting and sustainable career paths through the pillars of Access and Community. The RISE Theatre Directory is a connector for employers to find potential candidates and collaborators that have been historically underrepresented. This online directory is free for candidates looking for employment, bypassing existing physical barriers to connection. RISE Theatre promotes events hosted by our partners and develops programming centered around connecting our users throughout the year. We gather and share the data regarding representation and inclusion in the theatrical industry identifying existing gaps, with the goal that by addressing these gaps we can help to shift and implement better equitable practices. In addition to the Directory, RISE Theatre amplifies organizations, opportunities, and tools for personal and professional development. We share resources encouraging collaboration, not competition; “a rising tide lifts all boats.”

The RISE Theatre Directory is a career platform created for administrative, backstage and creative artists in the performing arts. As a tool for all theater makers, the RISE Theatre Directory was designed especially for candidates from marginalized communities to be seen, considered, and hired.