NWHM Annual Impact Report


On behalf of the National Women’s History Museum, we invite you to enjoy our first annual Impact Report. Moving forward, we plan to institute this publication in April of each year to articulate not only the impact we have as an organization, but also the progress we are making towards our new strategic plan and mission.

At NWHM, we believe “If she can see it, she can be it.” In fact, it is this very promise of what is possible that drives us each and every day. Because we know that the more today’s young women and girls are exposed to and understand the powerful history of women in America, the more their understanding and pursuit of their own potential increases. Representation cannot wait, in fact, our collective advancement depends on it.

Our success starts by measuring the number of young minds we reach through programs, partnerships, and resources for educators and learners, both inside and outside the classroom. The change we seek is long term, but we must begin to measure our impact today. Although this report highlights the accomplishments of 2023, we have already made significant impact in 2024 including participating in the launch of five new quarters in the U.S. Mint’s American Women Quarters program; contributing to the research used in two new Executive Orders signed by President Biden in support of women and women’s history; re-imagining and engaging our National Coalition Partners; and much more.

There is nothing more rewarding than hearing from those who use our resources, whether it’s an educator who has used our materials in the classroom, or students using our resources for their own research. We hope this letter gives you a sense of the magnitude of the work that we did in 2023 and the depth of support that we received from supporters like you that made it all possible.

Every woman has a story. On behalf of the Board and staff of the National Women’s History Museum, thank you for helping us share them. Read our Impact Report here.


Susan Whiting, Chair
National Women's History Museum Board of Directors

Frédérique Irwin, President & CEO
National Women's History Museum