Dr. Kim L. Dulaney

Dr. Kim L. Dulaney lives in Chicago, Illinois. Her writings, which include children's books, poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, have been noted on ABC, CBS, MTV and various other news programs, as well as in numerous magazines and newspapers, including Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Essence, The Undefeated, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, and USA Today. Dr. Dulaney has a BA in African American Studies, an MFA in Creative Writing, and an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Curriculum Foundation. Her foci are in the areas of Black creative production and popular culture, Black education, and identity construction. She retired from her position as Professor and Coordinator of African American Studies at Chicago State University in 2021. She currently works as a cultural critic, and as Vice President of Education and Programs at The DuSable Black History Museum and Education Center in Chicago. Literary work-in-progress: Beliefs, Black Boys, and Urban Education: An Interpretive Biography of Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.