Rebekah Clark

Rebekah Clark is the Historical Director for Better Days, a nonprofit dedicated to expanding education about Utah women's history. She co-authored the book Thinking Women: A Timeline of Suffrage in Utah and serves as a leader of the women’s history impact team for the Utah Women and Leadership Project’s Bolder Way Forward initiative. Rebekah graduated from Harvard University with a degree in American History and Literature, where her honors thesis focused on Utah women's activism in the national suffrage movement. She holds a law degree from BYU Law School, studied as a visiting student at Harvard Law School, and practiced law in Boston for four years. She frequently publishes and presents on Utah women’s history and received the Utah Historical Society's Dale L. Morgan award for best scholarly article in 2021. In addition to her work with Better Days, she serves on the board of the Mormon Women’s History Initiative Team and teaches the women’s history course at Utah Valley University.